Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Fall 2012 Long Pose Figure Study at WAG

The Fall/2012 Long pose Figure Study I moderated has finished just when I start to develop a strong rythmn in drawing. I miss the light chit-chats during the sessions and I enjoyed looking at other artist's work. I appreciate the contributions from our excellent models. It is all very stimulating! I would love to share some of my figurative works here with my fellow artists and friends. Karen Moffitt, one of our participants, has offered to give our figure drawing group a private guided tour of the NC Museum of Art during the off season, focusing on the figurative works. I am so looking forward to that.

Monday, October 29, 2012

Fall 2012 Figure drawings by JJ Jiang




The Fall/2012 Weekly Figure Drawing at WAG Studio/Gallery organized and moderated by JJ Jiang is abot come to a close.  Many thanks to those who have participated in those sessions and I hope that you have enjoyed them as much as I have.  Human figures remain eternally as the most fascinating subjects to draw and they are the most challenging subjects to draw in the same time.  "Drawing is the probity of art" said Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres. We must keep improving our drawing.  Here are the few samples of my fall session drawing work.  Welcome your comments!

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Fall/2012 Long Pose Figure Study @ WAG

While the Cary weekly Figure Drawing is still going on Thursdays, this morning we just had our first Fall Long Pose Figure Study session.  The model did a great job, the background music was very soothing.  I truly enjoyed spending my Saturday morning with my artist friends this way. 

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Painting of OMA

My painting "OMA"  won M. Graham Merchandise Award in the Watercolor Society of North Carolina 67th Annual Juried Exhibition 2012.  Cheers!

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Learning to See class @ WAG

It was our 5th "Learning to see" class.  I bought some grapes for today's exercise, using a small portion of them for the set, eating the rest while I was doing the demo and painting.  I did a bit more than I normally do for the demo.  I was'nt thrilled with the end result of my painting, but I think the students did well with theirs.

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Two waters presentation

I was honored to be invited to give a presentation on Chinese art and its inflence on my personal journey this past Thursday evening at Cary Arts Center.  The event was sponsored by the Cary Fine Arts League.  During the presentation, I was able to show the series paintings entitled Hometown Waters depicting my birth place in Suzhou, China.  I will share some examples from this series in the next few blogs. 

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Saturday morning drawing/painting class @ WAG studio

Again we had a wonderful class this morning @WAG studio. The still life was beautifully set. I did this watercolor demo within 20 minutes from life. I wonder if I enjoyed the time more than my students did. Cheers!

Friday, September 21, 2012

Speech on Chinese art

This coming Thursday (09/27) I am honored to be invited by the Fine Arts League of Cary at the Cary Arts Center to give a speech on Chinese art and its influence on my personal  journey.  It presents a great opportunity for me to get reconnected with my cultural roots and inspiration.  At the end of the talk, I will give a live demo of Chinese Calligraphy.  I hope my Chinese brush will not fail me after so many years away from it.  Good night!

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Learning To See class demo

I thoroughly enjoyed the class I taught yesterday morning @WAG studio. With beautiful background music on and eager learners watching, I did this watercolor demo within 25 minutes from life.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Fall/2012 Weekly Figure Drawing with JJ

Fall/2012 Cary Weekly Figure Drawing Group with JJ started on 09/06.  It has received with a great turn out.  In this conservative town, the public has not quite embraced this form of art.  It is prohibited to have such sessions and classes in public venues, not to mention the displaying of art depicting unclothed human figures.  This sentiment, however, has made this weekly group meeting even more thrilling. Come to join us!

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Over the years I have often heard comments like this:"watercolor is the most difficult painting medium to master when compared to other media such as oil".  I understand a few of those people making such comment  are my watercolor fans, so comments like this are more or less a compliment to my work.  But some other people, including some painters, are serious about this assertion.  I don't know where this common belief comes from, but these days I usually answer back like this:"every medium is difficult when one truly wants to excel in it."  Though  I have always loved and done watercolor, recently I have fallen in love with oil as well.  I love everything about oil that watercolor is not - except the part of cleaning the brushes and palette afterwards.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Taking on oil paintings

This summer I painted about 30 canvases, the sizes of the paintings are on the small side.  I cannot believe that I actually enjoy painting in oil after many years of painting in watercolor.  It is rather refreshing to me to paint in oil.  I feel comfortable with the medium.  That said, I am not a master of oil painting; I am not a watercolor master either after so many years of  watercolor painting experience.  The more we learn, the less we know.  But I am not shamed of sharing my oil works with others.  I welcome all your comments.  Here is one of the oil paintings I did in this summer. Cheers!

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Painting of OMA

My watercolor work titled "OMA" has been selected for "the 67th Annual Juried Exhibition 2012 of Watercolor Society of NC".  The show is juried byJohn Salminen NWS, AWS. This painting is very dear to me.  In this painting, I am trying to capture the expression beyond that of  the lady sitting in front of me.  In my mind, I want to depict the expression of kindness, happiness and gracefulness which are universal.

Friday, August 10, 2012

Blog Beginnings

As you view this blog, my hope is that you might witness my progress and maturation as a fine artist; I desire to share my inspiration and struggles with like minded friends, fellow artists, and any other genuine and creative souls.
Two Waters is a poetic term I have chosen to name my blog.  Two Waters  symbolizes both my Eastern and Western backgrounds, two sources of artistic inspiration, and the two different worlds and cultures I have lived in.
Two Waters  live quietly side by side; yet, through one artist’s seemingly random and yet destined journey, they merge into a personal tale which will surely keep unfolding.