Sunday, September 30, 2012

Two waters presentation

I was honored to be invited to give a presentation on Chinese art and its inflence on my personal journey this past Thursday evening at Cary Arts Center.  The event was sponsored by the Cary Fine Arts League.  During the presentation, I was able to show the series paintings entitled Hometown Waters depicting my birth place in Suzhou, China.  I will share some examples from this series in the next few blogs. 

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Saturday morning drawing/painting class @ WAG studio

Again we had a wonderful class this morning @WAG studio. The still life was beautifully set. I did this watercolor demo within 20 minutes from life. I wonder if I enjoyed the time more than my students did. Cheers!

Friday, September 21, 2012

Speech on Chinese art

This coming Thursday (09/27) I am honored to be invited by the Fine Arts League of Cary at the Cary Arts Center to give a speech on Chinese art and its influence on my personal  journey.  It presents a great opportunity for me to get reconnected with my cultural roots and inspiration.  At the end of the talk, I will give a live demo of Chinese Calligraphy.  I hope my Chinese brush will not fail me after so many years away from it.  Good night!

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Learning To See class demo

I thoroughly enjoyed the class I taught yesterday morning @WAG studio. With beautiful background music on and eager learners watching, I did this watercolor demo within 25 minutes from life.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Fall/2012 Weekly Figure Drawing with JJ

Fall/2012 Cary Weekly Figure Drawing Group with JJ started on 09/06.  It has received with a great turn out.  In this conservative town, the public has not quite embraced this form of art.  It is prohibited to have such sessions and classes in public venues, not to mention the displaying of art depicting unclothed human figures.  This sentiment, however, has made this weekly group meeting even more thrilling. Come to join us!